by striveabaconsultants | Jan 16, 2024 | ABA Therapy
Parental involvement is often considered a crucial component of successful outcomes in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy for children with autism. As primary caregivers, parents have a unique role in facilitating the progress and maintenance of their...
by striveabaconsultants | Jan 3, 2024 | ABA Therapy
The transition to adulthood can be an exciting and challenging time for adolescents and young adults, and particularly so for individuals with autism. As they prepare to navigate the complexities of adulthood, older adolescents and young adults with autism may face...
by striveabaconsultants | Dec 27, 2023 | ABA Therapy
Social skills encompass a wide array of behaviors and abilities that are necessary for building and maintaining successful relationships, as well as effectively navigating various social situations. For children with autism, developing these social skills can prove to...
by striveabaconsultants | Dec 13, 2023 | ABA Therapy
Parents and caregivers play a fundamental role in supporting the ongoing development of their children. For children with autism and other developmental disabilities, this support is particularly crucial, as parents often serve as their child’s primary advocates...
by striveabaconsultants | Dec 6, 2023 | ABA Therapy
As every parent knows, raising a child with autism comes with a unique set of challenges. In addition to navigating daily life, parents often serve as advocates, educators, and therapists for their children, seeking the right opportunities and resources to support...
by striveabaconsultants | Nov 29, 2023 | ABA Therapy
Academic success often serves as a significant predictor of long-term outcomes for individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). However, students with autism can face unique challenges in the classroom, often requiring specialized support to meet their individual...