What is Autism?
Autism is a complicated developmental disability that can result in wide-ranging behaviors. It manifests itself through four major categories, which are social skill limitations, sensory integration challenges, language and communication problems, and atypical behaviors. Sometimes the effects of autism may be subtle; sometimes they’re so severe it impedes an individual’s ability to function properly in their home or community environment.
What Causes autism?
The cause of autism has been largely a mystery. But new research is revealing that there are many potential causes, including environmental factors, genetics and parental age.
What are the earliest symptoms of Autism?
One of the more important signs that a baby is struggling with autism is when they cannot communicate. This does not mean an absence of language development, but instead can be seen in babbling and cooing as infants being absent or rare occurrences. Other indicators are having a lack of facial expressions and little to no response to cuddling – especially if you have a very severe case where your infant might even pull away from physical nurturing altogether.
How to get your child evaluated?
If you think that your child might have autism, consult with a pediatrician or primary care physician to rule out other medical conditions. This way if the symptoms are caused by an illness they can be easily treated and as long as it is not due to another condition then Strive ABA Consultants provide diagnostic assessments performed by childhood psychologists who will give you solid information about what treatment options exist for autistic children and their families.
How does autism diagnosis work for kids?
Doctors evaluate a child’s development and behavior to make an ASD diagnosis. If ASD is suspected, doctors may perform developmental screening in which they watch how the child learns basic skills like talking or moving. By age 2, an experienced doctor can usually tell whether there are signs of autism with these screenings.

The second step is a comprehensive evaluation, and can include hearing screening for any possible medical conditions the child may have such as autism or deafness. It could also involve vision testing to assess their eyesight developmentally so that we know if they need glasses when they get older. We might conduct genetic tests in order to see if there are certain hereditary illnesses running through your family’s bloodline because this will help us better understand why you’re struggling at school; neurological testing which deals with things like how coordinated he his between hands and feet, motor skills of the fingers while touching objects–basically all sorts of movement functions.

How is Autism treated?
ABA is the only treatment that shows a clear, positive result for children with autism. Common interventions are specific behavioral supports and response plans, direct verbal/nonverbal communication training, sensory support to help react to touches or sounds etc., social skills training (including tangible items like stickers) – all of this can be tailored depending on what your child needs at any given time.

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