Sensory processing issues are common in children with autism and can significantly impact their daily lives. Understanding and addressing these challenges is essential to helping children break through barriers and reach their full potential. Our team of dedicated professionals is well-versed in identifying and addressing sensory processing issues using evidence-based Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) techniques, ensuring that each child receives the personalized support they need to thrive.

In this article, we will explore the complexities of sensory processing issues in children with autism, their impact on daily life, and effective strategies to address these challenges both at home and in various settings. Additionally, we will discuss how ABA therapy can play a crucial role in assessing, understanding, and addressing sensory processing issues while fostering a supportive environment for each child’s unique sensory needs.

With a commitment to providing comprehensive, evidence-based ABA therapy services, we are dedicated to empowering children with autism to embrace their full potential and navigate the world more confidently. To learn more about how our team can support your family in understanding and addressing sensory processing issues, contact Strive ABA Consultants today to start your journey toward fostering a more sensory-sensitive environment.

The Complexity of Sensory Processing in Autism

Sensory processing refers to how the brain receives, organizes, and responds to sensory input from the environment. Children with autism often experience sensory processing issues that can impact their daily lives, making seemingly simple tasks or situations overwhelming or uncomfortable. These sensory issues can manifest in various ways, such as:

  1. Hypersensitivity: An increased sensitivity to sensory input can make children with autism easily overwhelmed by environmental stimuli, such as loud noises, bright lights, or certain textures.
  1. Hyposensitivity: Some children with autism may demonstrate decreased sensitivity to sensory input, making them less aware of their surroundings or resulting in seeking out sensory experiences to satisfy their needs.
  1. Sensory Seeking: Children with sensory processing issues may exhibit behaviors to seek out sensory experiences, which can sometimes be seen as disruptive or inappropriate.
  1. Sensory Avoidance: In order to cope with overwhelming sensory input, children may engage in behaviors to avoid those sensations, such as covering their ears or avoiding certain textures.

Effective Strategies for Addressing Sensory Processing Issues

Supporting children with sensory processing issues requires a thorough understanding of their unique sensory needs, coupled with the implementation of effective strategies to help them feel comfortable and safe in their environment. Here are some effective strategies to consider:

  1. Create a Sensory-Sensitive Environment: Make adjustments to your child’s surroundings that take sensory sensitivities into account. You can do this by using soft lighting, minimizing background noise, and providing a calm and structured environment.
  1. Utilize Sensory Breaks: Offer your child regular sensory breaks throughout the day to help them self-regulate and decompress. Sensory breaks can include activities like deep pressure, swinging, or engaging in calming activities such as listening to soft music.
  1. Implement Visual Supports: Visual supports such as schedules, social stories, and visual cues can help children with autism understand and navigate situations that might provoke sensory issues.
  1. Collaborate with Professionals: Collaborate with therapists, teachers, and other professionals to develop individualized accommodations and plans that address your child’s unique sensory needs.

The Role of ABA Therapy in Addressing Sensory Processing Issues

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy can be a valuable tool for assessing and addressing sensory processing issues in children with autism. ABA therapy is an evidence-based approach that uses personalized interventions to help children overcome barriers and enhance their overall functioning and quality of life. Here’s how ABA therapy can support children with sensory processing issues:

  1. Comprehensive Assessment: A thorough assessment is critical to understanding each child’s unique sensory needs and identifying areas of concern that may require intervention.
  1. Personalized Intervention Plans: ABA therapy emphasizes the development of individualized treatment plans, ensuring that each child’s sensory processing issues are addressed according to their specific needs.
  1. Data-Driven Decision Making: ABA therapy relies on ongoing data collection to monitor progress and make informed decisions about treatment strategies. This approach ensures that interventions are effective and adapted to the child’s evolving sensory needs.
  1. Parent Training and Support: Providing support for parents is a crucial component of ABA therapy, as parents play an essential role in addressing sensory processing issues at home. ABA therapists work with parents to develop strategies and techniques for creating a sensory-sensitive environment that supports their child’s unique needs.

Fostering a Supportive Environment for Sensory Processing Success

Helping children understand and navigate their sensory experiences is an ongoing process that requires patience, understanding, and a sensory-sensitive environment. By implementing effective strategies and collaborating with professionals such as ABA therapists, families can create a supportive atmosphere where children with sensory processing issues can thrive.


Understanding sensory processing issues in children with autism is vital for fostering an environment where they can feel safe, comfortable, and empowered to navigate the world around them. With effective strategies, professional support, and the implementation of ABA therapy, children with autism can overcome sensory barriers and enhance their overall quality of life. At Strive ABA Consultants, our team of experts is dedicated to helping families understand and address sensory processing challenges, paving the way for a brighter, more sensory-sensitive future. To learn more about our ABA therapy services and how we can support your family in navigating sensory processing issues, contact us today—because every child deserves a world where they can embrace their full potential.